Monday, May 10, 2010

Entering Oneness - Leaving Mind Behind

1st Journal 2010-05-04 TRANSCRIPT: On Scribd - Intro: Ah, good morning to Life; warm, loving greetings I share with you, with the you that I Am, that all are. We are one. What can I learn, both from and through you, this day? I am open. SING OUR OWN SONG The birdsong filters in to my soul, bringing deep delight. Ah, I am so grateful for birds. What would life be without the dear bird ones? I dont want to know. Theyre a fine blessing. I laugh, too, and delight in the variety, the immense variety of their singing, as I shudder with the joke, What if all the birds in the forest only sang the top ten tunes? We can surely learn something from the birds. Sing our own song; not [dont hum] someone elses. What do I know that is new, this day? What is different that I perceive? I am ever made new; that is consistent. There was much heating of the 2nd chakra, yesterday. It will be fun, one day soon, to know and be able to see what this is, from the upper dimensions what it portends. Senses are opening, awakening, for us all. I am so grateful. COMING OUT OF THEIR NETS I am so grateful, for we are coming out of their nets. Finally, those horrid nets, so carefully woven, are crumbling down into dust in the presence of so great a light as that which we all bring together. Not alone could we do this, but together its nothing to us. We are one, and were all waking up to that fact. Our powers been hidden from us for so many millennia, much less the centuries. Weve been all but robbed of most of our abilities, as we fell in with their plots, their technology being so much greater, more advanced than our own. They manipulated us, endlessly. Well, thats over. They better come into the Light, themselves, if they know whats good for them, for their games up, and they know it. Theyve grown so used to power and control, though, that they just cant give it up. So it must be taken from them. It must crumble to dust, right in their hands...

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