Thursday, November 19, 2009

Matrix Energetics or Help!! I Lost All My Atoms

2:40 pm, 11/18/2009, Wednesday, 6 Chuen/Monkey, (Composition info, including Mayan Calendar day)

Wow.  Really, it could be that is about all that can be said, right now.  This post may contain little else, but let’s see.

Just returned from Matrix Energetics training, levels 1 and 2.  I highly recommend it.  If you’re ready to let everything go—quite literally, though not physically—then you may well enjoy this “science and art of transformation,” for that is what it really is.

“Let go” as in the no-mind, as in being willing to surrender, to abandon all previous ways of viewing and perceiving; certainly to let go of thinking. 

Okay, so this is perhaps the “biggest” transformation in my life (and that is really saying something).  I have such eagerness to see and discover, to uncover what is different, what is new...about “me,” about everything.  You wouldn’t believe how very eager I’ve been to come to this journal and enter into the discovery.

To those who still may not be quite in tune with the quantum aspects of jour
naling, please at least register what I’m saying about it.  That which is hidden, that which you desire to get deeper into, is almost always (for no thing can be an ‘always’ in 3D-land) there awaiting you, in the journal flow.  To heck with “why?”!  It just IS.  (And see my other postings.)

No, get the mental mind out of it; this is not anything the mind can grasp.  But you can see it with the heart.  The heart, the soul, even the body is better equipped to perceive and understand this.  And, of course, ‘the proof is in the pudding.’  ‘Nuff said.  Just drop into the heart.

Okay, so what is new??  Well, everything, for starters–and nothing.  No, I haven’t sprouted wings, or any such; not physically, at least. ☼  What I’ve been saying, though, and it’s true, is that I don’t think I returned home with a single cell, atom, or molecule that I went to the training with.  I just don’t see how there could possibly be a deeper transformation.  It is well and truly said that this is a ‘technology of transformation.’  (Please check-out )

Okay, and what’s different?  I am.  For one thing, I note all the use of “I,” which did not come easily to me, before.  Why did I not choose to use the word “I,” before?  It has to do with identification, and what one chooses to identify with.

When we enter a certain stage or level on our path Homeward (in awareness–not ‘heaven,’ or any such thing), we cease identifying with the physical body.  No doubt most readers will be familiar with this, at least conceptually.  It is so very simple:  I am not that.  D’uh.

Okay, so then perhaps there is a stage where we cease the use of the “I,” as it was used previously, during the time we are separating out, and entering to a broader concept of whatever it is that “I am.”  Transitionally, it appears, we cease saying “I” and meaning the physical body, or the body/mind complex. 

We don’t necessarily know just what we are, what “I am,” but we do know what we are not:  we are definitely not limited to the body.  Thus, for a time, the (admittedly) somewhat awkward divorcing from the common usage of the “I” pronoun.  Okay, that’s easy enough to see–and it makes sense.  (Not everything does, of course.  It's getting almost spooky when stuff makes sense, lol!)

What next?  Rather, what else?  Heck, I don’t know!  Now THERE’S something that’s true, at least mostly so:  I don’t know.  That is probably the most profound thing I or anyone else can say:  "I don’t know."  From where “I” stand right now, that’s the heart of it – and of Matrix Energetics. 

Yes, it is the no-mind, but not in Buddhist, or any other commonly understood terms.  It is all of that, and MORE...or is it less?  Probably.  Not to be flip, though, for this is serious, and it is real, provable, demonstrable.  Bizarre, yes, but demonstrable...and even teachable.

Okay, it is true that there’s perhaps nothing that absolutely everyone can learn at any one point in (admittedly illusory) time.  Why not?  Well, everyone could learn it, but the issue is that not everyone will accept that.  We have free will, so if we reject something, well, that’s least for the moment.  Thus, we’re powerful, and in control, whether we realize it or not.  (See this; be this.  Just step into it...It's fun and easy.)

Ha!  It feels so funny to speak in terms of time, like this—which I don't believe well as to be using so many “I”s in this writing.  This is not at all like anything I recognize as self, or rather, as I recognize as the self that was...and there’s that time thing, again.  What gives?  Who am I?!

Who cares, right?  What the heck, it is what it is, and it is real in this now, and that’s enough, and quite sufficient.  I’m just along for the ride, lol...and rofl.

What else is, or is different?  To heck with what is different...for that is to be tied down in time, and to be comparing one illusory point in time to another.  Maybe that’s part of why this blog is  coming out the way it is. 

Okay, let’s find out.  What is?  Not ‘what is different?’ but just ‘what is?’  Nothing.  Hmmm.  What?  Nothing?  Yeah, that’s right.  Nothing is.  Ah!  No thing is.  Okay, that is ‘true.’

Oh dear, another one of my sacred cows is having troubles, here.  I know, or at least I thought I knew, that truth cannot be contained in words; not in words of any kind, arrangement, or shape.  Truth is too fill in the blank for that.  That is what I knew...and what I think I might know, now.  But let’s see...

Okay, truth cannot be spoken because words, themselves, are but symbolic mental creations, constructs used by the mind to transfer and share meaning.  This, plus the fact that the mental mind cannot grasp Reality, cannot grok the Higher Truth, or Reality.  This is what I once knew, anyway.

So, what do I now ‘know?’  Nothing.  Darn.  Heck.  How does one get around that?  One doesn’t, is what I hear from within.  Hmmm.  But I thought that was perhaps the one real truth that I knew, dad-gum it!  I really felt I knew that.  What gives?

No thing is real.  No thing is.  All is illusory, is illusion, of one sort or another.  (These are the words I hear, within.  Thus begins a conversation...with who or what I’ve no clue.)

Within:  Sit up straighter.

Me:  Okay.  Done.

Within:   Let go of everything you thought you knew.

Me:  Okay.  Actually, I thought I’d already done that.  Guess not.  I still seem to feel I know this particular something.  Help me let it go.

Within:   Alright, realize that it is not possible, with the mentality of 3D, to know diddly squat.  Nothing is knowable, there; absolutely nothing at all.

Me:   But truth with a capital T cannot be known in 3D.  This I do know!

Within:   No, you don’t.  You only think you do, and it is getting, or will get, in your way; in the way of your infinite possibilities.

Me:   Oh.  Hadn’t considered that.  Heck, and this is just the first thing I’m running into that I seem to think I know.  And here I also thought I’d accepted the reality that nothing can be known.  How MPD* we are, as humanity.  Always running into our self.

Within:   What you are is what you are.  Don’t put any strictures or limitations on that.

Me:   Okay.  So, it appears that a knowing of any kind—even an almost true one—is limiting.

Within:   Yes!  That’s right.  That’s it.  No thing means no thing; not something, or mostly no thing.

Me:   Okay.  This is so strange, though.  I keep wanting to argue with this.  Please pardon me, while I argue just a tiny bit, okay?

Within:   Of course.

Me:   So, what about this:  Truth (note the capital “t”) cannot be known or grasped or stated in any way with words.  Does that work, and if not, why not?

Within:   Yes, it appears to work, at first, but that is because you have a left brain that is not quite tame, that is intruding.  Think about it; is not this, too, a mental knowing?

Me:   OMG.  I’m speechless.  Yeah, I guess it is.  It must be, right?  I stated it with words.  Hells bells!!  What kind of a bind am I getting my “self” into, here?  Am I to be completely tongue-tied?

Within:   Maybe.  I would say “What do you think?’ but I won’t, for obvious reasons.  Please, don’t think.  That serves best, okay?

Me:   Well, okay...maybe.  This is so unimaginable, though.

Within:   Stop!  Do not limit the imagination.

Me:   Hmmm.  Okay, I see that.  I’ll just say it’s challenging to imagine, then.  It is certainly and definitely some ‘place’ I’ve not been before.

Within:   Yes.  And you’re still thinking.

Me:   Oh, heck!  What am I to say, nothing?!  And how is that a journal, of all things?

Within:   And you expect an answer to that?

Me:   Well...yeah, I guess.  Heck, mutter, mutter, mumble...  This is too strange...  No, it’s not.  Oh my gosh, maybe I’m going nuts.  I’ve heard the line between sanity and insanity is kinda vague...

Hmmm.  When all you can say is hmmm.  Inner Self, would you please rescue ‘me’ here?  What gives?  Must I give up journaling?  Talk about just plain unimaginable!

Within:   If you can be silent for a time, I can assist; not otherwise.

Me:   Okay, agreed.  There, I’m zipping my lips, see?

Within:   We’ll see, I’m sure.  ... (Pregnant pause.)  Good.  Now, please imagine, as follows:  You are not.  Said otherwise, you are naught.  You are also nought, as in zero.  Get used to it, okay.  Yes, that’s right:  try it on for size, so to speak.  Let it settle in.

You are not.  Non being, non reality.  Actually, it is non-duality, but that is not yet obvious.  It will be, will become so.  Just open to this.  Be gentle with it, with yourself.  You are nou

As nought, you have literally the world at your proverbial fingertips, and so much more; the Cosmos, in reality, and even beyond that, for the Cosmos is structural, and nought is unlimited in every way.  The only thing it isn’t is something...and you are already well acquainted with the unreality of every ‘something.’  ("Somethings" are some real ‘no-things,’ of course.)

Yes, you’re right about that:  Source does, indeed, have a worthy sense of humor, which you are only now beginning to touch or grasp.  Just keep imagining, that’s right.  Never limit the imagination, for it is your vehicle into the suchness, into the no thing.

That’s right...yes, of course I’m hearing your thoughts.  And of course it’s well to record this, to help the poor dear readers.  Anyway, yes, it is right not to entertain any concern about whether this journal posting will make any sense at all.  Just accept that it won’t, and be okay with that.

Very good.  I see you settling into that knowing.

Yes, you must, of course, be unattached to what people think of you.  Up to now, you did not care about that, but in a general way.  Being a hermit is true general unconcern.  This is now a specific way of letting go of what people think, to put something out like this journal entry; a specific unconcern.

Yes, you will lose readers.  So what?  Do you care?  It does not matter.  The seed is planted, the energy shared, and it will bear fruit in others, or it will not.  It does not matter.

The reality is that it is no concern of Yours.  Yes, Yours, capital ‘Y.’  Got a problem with that?  No, I thought not.

Of course, the reality is that no one can actually ‘do’ anything.  It is just a mass illusion that appears to be true, that people ‘do things.’  In reality, no thing happens.  No thing is done.

Yes, this is much like what Nisargadatta says.  That’s true.  Now hush.

There is no do-er...least of all You.  Things happen, that is all.  They just happen. 

It is fun to let and to watch things happen.  Just do that.  Then You will begin to really See the magic show that is on-going.  Right now you, and most people, are so caught up in the pieces that you cannot see the Whole. 

Yes, of course, to see the Whole one must back off, must get some distance.  Thus, the letting go, the recognition of the no-thing.  Yes, like seeing the trees for the forest–which you’ve got backwards.  Now hush!  Still that thing!

Very good.  Lesson over.

Me:   Arghhhh! ... and Ooooooooooohmmmm.


4:37 pm

Okay, that was strange.  That’s all I’ll say about that.

Went back and read, and re-read this entry a number of times, getting deeper and deeper into it.  Powerful.  Changing.  Transforming.

Yeah, still strange, but that’s okay.  So what?  And that which makes sense has done us so much good, thus far, right??  I think not.  I’m open to this, anyway...and I trust that at least a few others are, as well.

There are not words for the experience.  Let’s just say it’s experiential; it’s accessible, experience-able.  That’s probably even saying too much.

For assistance in understanding it—which can’t really be done, but what the heck—I recommend Sri Nisargadatta in I AM THAT.  Eckhart Tolle is good, and so is Anthony de Mello in “Awakening.”  (Of course, the Matrix Energetics founder, Richard Bartlett, has a radio show and a couple of books out already.  Those are obvious bets.)

Finally, just go to a seminar, to a training.  If you're already "half-way there," as I was, this could well take you the rest of the way, ho ho.  Wouldn't you just love to join me in this La La Land??  It's really fun—I promise.   Wheeeeeeeeeeee!!!

Wherever they are held there is generally a free Friday-night session, where, for a couple of hours or so, you can sit and bask in the non-sense, the no-thing of Matrix Energetics, of this energy.  In 'person' (not that there is any such thing as a person, mind you), is best. 

Heck, maybe then this blog entry will even make sense to you!  What a thought.  rofl.

If it does, though, please, don’t try to explain it to me.  I might lose my mind...or rather, that portion of it that still remains.  Using the left brain is getting more and more painful...or strange...or something...and I want to keep it that way.  Gotta train the darn thing, somehow, and heck, maybe this will work.  This letting go stuff is actually kinda fun, once you get into it.

I do accept, though, and seriously, that not thinking is best.  Challenging, it is; but best.  Thus, I am not currently open to any kind of left-minded discussion.  Maybe later.  Who knows?  Open, I am, but not to that.

Where is this leading?  I could not care less*.  It does what it does, and goes where it goes...and I am just along for the ride, as far as I can tell...whatever the heck “I” is.  Hell’s bells.  Ding-dong, ding-dong.  Yes, I’m coming, I’m coming.

Whatever...  Guess I could have stopped with “Wow.” 

*  MPD = Multiple Personality Disorder

**  Yeah, it is not strictly correct to say “I could care less.”  That would mean that you do care, at least a little, right?...because you could care less.

PS  I’m not a certified practitioner, just a graduate of Level 1 and Level 2; a relative newbie.  

New to the concepts and the foundations of it I’m not, though.  Theoretical quantum physics has been a love of mine for some time, along with near-death studies, and so much else that resonates with Matrix Energetics.  

Thus, maybe like you, I was already 'this' before "I" found this (Matrix Energetics).  It is a beautiful fit.  Wheeeeeee!!

Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Observation Equals Revelation or Sunbathing in November

11:52 am, Tuesday, 11/10/2009, 11 Akbal/Night, House (Composition info, including Mayan Calendar day)

Wow, November 10th, and just returning from sunbathing in the beauty of the lovely warmth of the (supposedly) autumn weather, here in NW Arkansas, USA.  Lovely breezes gently blowing, crisp leaves rattling and falling, fluffy white clouds gently morphing, sailing, and the wonder of beautiful birds flying and soaring in the broad expanse above.  Ahhhh...

My previous sunbathing was done sitting in a chair, bare feet on the earth.  There was such a notable difference, recently, though, when doing an earth grounding, after having actually sat down on the ground.  It felt totally different, as if I were much more attached to and one with the earth.  Neat!

So today the blanket was spread wide, and I lay down fully, to enjoy just being, being physical, while soaking up the sun’s information-giving* energies.  (Will see if there’s a difference when next grounding.)

It’s been physically challenging, lately.  Weight is down to about 120, which this body last knew as a teenager; not a healthy weight for the now.  Good recent report from Ken, the medical intuitive working with me, though.  He’s been pulling out the ‘quilted-like’ energies he sees as so common to bodies with cancers.  Thank you, and good riddance!  (Yes, that's thanks to the cancer energies** well as to Ken, of course.)

I’m just glad energy is moving.  This is a big improvement on the ‘stuck’ state that was standard for decades.  Blockages seemed insurmountable, amenable to nothing.  Now, with joint work on both body and emotions, things begin to move.  Finally, the lesson not to ‘stuff’  is learned, and so the blockages created by stuffing begin to flow.  Yes!

The desire to blog again arises.  In reading over each posting, they are great, but I noted that they were all posted in September.  October just flew by, in the midst of physical challenges, with not a peep.  November will not follow suit.  God-willing, I desire to be in that flow again, and discover the changes that have been wrought in the interim.

Drinking hot, Ester-C laced Essiac tea, looking at the no-longer-used morphine bottles—that’s a big deal— and considering the Vancouver BC trip to the Body, Soul, Spirit Expo, with its numerous healings, etc., I know there is change.  What shape it will take in the blog, though, I don’t know. 

One doesn’t know what will be written until one sees it being written...if one is ‘in flow.’  If not in flow, it is better not to write.  We desire to flow the larger gifts of Source, not the ramblings of a ‘little me,’ a little self...of a mental mind.  Everyone has one of those, and one is much like another, lol:  boring.

Okay, I note that the mental mind entered in to the above paragraph.  That is a mental knowing.  Nothing wrong with that, of course, however it is not the higher gift, the gift of the flow of Source, with Its higher blessings.  This mental mind is not quite trained to sit in abeyance, yet, holding still to merely observe Source, Spirit at work.

It is coming along, though.  Observation, self-observation is most fruitful.  Things so often vanish, simply on being seen.  Three favorite ‘masters’ teach this beautifully:  Eckhart Tolle, Sri Nisargadatta, and Anthony de Mello.  There are no better guides, imho, to simple, basic self-observation, to being ‘in the now.’  They offer the best how-to on simple (and immediate) awareness; no process, no waiting.

As things arise in awareness, if they or the issue they represent are deeper, then by watching, just observing, one often receives an initial layer of understanding, leaving further layers to arise in their own ‘time.’  Life is truly grand.  Quiet observation and silence are amazing; what arises within them is ever amazing. 

Simple, continual coming back to just being...and watching that.

Interestingly, one of the things that has emerged from observing is the witnessing of a fear to be in silence.  Thus, ever sleeping to the continuous play of Eckhart lectures, Marciniak audio books, or whatever...notably, never just music.  The fear is underlying, of course.  It has not quite revealed itself.  One just intuits that it exists, on observing the unwillingness to be alone (and even sleep) in silence.

This issue may be fairly deep–or not.  One does not know, often, but rather learns in the out-playing, over time.  Yes, time, that interesting non-entity.  Well, it is a non-barrier, a non-limiter, anyway, yet a certain relative existence it obviously does have.  Still, I affirm the (higher) reality of simultaneous time, of all as happening in the now.

Not to get off into that, though, for it is quite a subject on its own, and my meditations feel much more anchored, more solid, somehow, in this now.  Hmmm.  Another effect of the physical grounding of laying on the earth?  Could be.  Feels good, anyway, and that’s ever a good sign. 

So, living alone, and on disability (thus not having to be out and about, working), and residing in the lovely country, in these dear meadows and woods, there is much of silence.  I live in the midst of it, after all, and I have a happy contentment with that.  There is no yearning for company, nor to be out and about, doing things.  This beautiful space is precious; I revere it, realizing how very blessed I am to be here, to have all of this.

So, being alone is not what is feared, clearly.  What is?  Ah, I see the mental mind in action, here.  It wants to be fed: new information, new learning, new anything, it appears.  That is certainly a big part of what is acting (in this apparent fear of silence).  Okay...nothing else comes.  It is enough to see this, for now. 

Awareness is the biggest blessing I can bring to it, and I can trust awareness to ‘do its thing,’ knowing I need have no thought about it, no need of any looking to a future, or being at all concerned.  It is what it is, it will be what it will be, and I am content in the midst of all simply let life be. 

It would be more accurate to say that the body knows this than that the mental mind does, for the mental mind plays no part in it. This is that more precious kind of knowing, this deep, inner knowing that all is well.  It is the deeper fruit of simple observation: of merely being aware of being aware.  I hope you feel the treasure, the deep peace in this.

*  Light = information, literally

**  In reality, everything is equally wonderful, or can be seen this way.  One abandons judging things as desirable or not desirable.

Low-Energy Musings or The Soul Arises

6:30 am, Wednesday, 11/11/2009, Veterans’ Day, 12 Kan/Seed, Lizard  (Composition info, including Mayan calendar day.)  (Interesting that this day, numerologically, is 11-11-11, since 2 + 0 + 0 + 9 = 11) 

Something has crossed this mind a number of times which, in its basic form is an acknowledgment that, considering the health and low energy state of this body, I have done well in spending the hours listening and attuning to lectures of light.  This idea comes as a surprise.

As this concept or idea has not yet progressed to any deeper understanding, beyond this basic framework, I come to the journal, to see if it will do so, here...relying on the might and power of 'mere' journaling.  Ha!

It is an unwonted, an unaccustomed gentleness with which this idea suggests I consider the self.  It shows up, as well, the self-hidden general tendency to think ill of the self, to consider it lazy, or lacking... This looking at the self and her actions as being somehow okay, even fine or admirable, is different;  it is a surprising new perspective

This, in itself, illustrates energies out of alignment with Love.  Thus, I witness them, observing, learning; but not interfering, not seeking to change anything, but rather to let any change come from within.

Fairly well have I learned the ultimate futility of approaching change from without, seeking to impose it upon the self by force or act of will.  While this can well succeed for the short term, it is no long-term solution to anything, for it is false, at its base, seeking to form and contour the real (the inner) by the unreal (the outer).

What comes to me, now, is the understanding that this body has been operating in a very low energy state for some years.  In this state, it is little wonder that housework, chores and so on seldom get done.  The realization arises that, given sufficient energy, these things would be done, and done with good will and joy.

It also comes that, in this low energy state, listening to uplifting lectures and instruction is good use of what energy the body has.  Often there was the laying down, yet not at all asleep, listening with strong intent and heart focus, exercising the soul in focused awareness.  This is in clear contrast to the tendency to think ill of the self, considering it lazy, etc.

Spending time with this observation, I surrender it unto awareness, trusting that the simple witnessing of it will bring about the appropriate result; change, if that be called for, or not.  Either one is (and must be) fine.

The soul seems to arise, hopefully, peeking a tender head up–in hope of not being bashed by negative self-image and such thoughts slung its way.  How very interesting.

So, it appears this critical energy has been quite hard on the soul, who has been thus forced to hide its tenderness under wraps, lest it be wounded.  Hmmm.  This was not part of the awareness, certainly; it comes as surprise.  Hmmm, indeed.

Okay, I accept that this is so, that it is what it is.  Offering tender apologies to the soul, I set the intent to do no more harm, thus, but to both recognize the tenderness of the unguarded soul, and to nurture it, that it may both come forth and bloom.  So be it.

Already it rises, a shining smile on its ‘face,’ to be thus greeted.  It spreads its wings.  Help me, dear Spirit Guides and angel companions, dear Family of Light, to be ever aware of the soul, and of its tenderness.  Help me, please, to be fully aware of all tendency to criticism, especially self-criticism.  I pray for its transmutation in Love’s fires, that the soul may fully bloom.

Ah, I feel the soul not only rise, but ‘spread out’ to encompass, to embody, as it were, all portions of this body, now that this intention is set.  Dear, courageous soul!  Yes, moon-in-Cancer soul with your tender feelings, do come forth, and teach me to handle you gently, to embody you, even, and become aware of self as this tenderness and sensitivity.

Gratitude abounds.  Ah, life is grand, good, and beautiful!  Yes, there is pain and challenge, as well, but, met with equanimity, the suffering is gone out of these.  With sufficient simple witnessing, all is bound to change, for change is the major constant in 3D life.  Thus, there is no ‘reason’ not to greet whatever arises, be it pleasure or pain, with warm welcome.  So be it.


6:00 pm

An interesting note:

Just learned that George, an elderly family friend, recently crossed over; funeral Sunday.  What’s interesting is my last conversation with the VA Hospital worker who knew George so well (by his frequent treatments taken there).

When I called the hospital about my upcoming appointment, seeing in the computer that I was also living in Clarksville, this worker asked if I knew George.  I indicated that yes, I knew him when he was alive, but that he had died.  I was quite sure, in that moment, that he had died.

When the worker was surprised, saying he had not heard that, I paused, looking within to see how I knew of the death.  I realized I did not know where the assurance came from.  Since no one had told me of his passing, maybe I was wrong.  Becoming quite embarrassed, I begged the worker not to share my words with George.

How would I would answer to George for saying such a thing?  It felt strange, and quite embarrassing.  I had been so quickly sure, so positive he had passed.  Where did that arise?  Well, at the time, though I didn’t mention it, I felt it might be an indication that George would be passing, soon.  Now it appears that could be so.

God bless you and yours, George.  Though I’ll be out of town during your services, I’ll send up some prayers for you.  God bless you abundantly.