Wednesday, October 6, 2010

The Stroke and Insight of Dr Jill Bolte Taylor

What does it feel like to have only your right brain working - to be completely without left brain support? Learn what it's like from Dr. Jill Bolte Taylor, the brain scientist to whom this very thing happened. She had a massive stroke - left side, only.

In this short talk Jill gives a masterful vision of her experience - throughout which she remained conscious. Our right brain isn't what we think it is - it is SO much more, so much more wonderful. It is the pathway to peace.

We literally ARE the environment. Whatever is manifest "out there" in the world is the perfect reflection of what we carry, inside. In truth, there really is no "out there." Everything is within - it just appears to be separate, to be external.

Our cosmos is like a hologram or like a virtual reality scenario. It is not at all solid and "real." It's composed of atoms, which are 99.99999% space - so how CAN it be solid? There's no such thing.

For more on that - another masterful presentation, though much longer - I give you a link to a David Icke presentation in Melbourne, Australia, 2009 -

David's beautiful long lecture explains so much about how "reality" really works. It's truly amazing, but he has the scientific data and backing to support it. His research is meticulous - spanning more than 20 years. Please give it a look - it has so very much, and on so many aspects of life to offer. It is priceless stuff :)

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