Saturday, May 15, 2010

1st Discussion with Source, God

2010-01-12 1st Journal TRANSCRIPT: iTunes podcast channel Intro: Boy, it was a massively challenging day. I would say that Im glad its over, but that is not strictly true. I closed it out with a delightful 2-hour Skype video visit with my dear friend, [Wendy], half a country least, physically. We are close, so close, yet so different, too. Quite fun. We laughed till we cried tonight, and on numerous occasions. It seems like Source had a nice laugh bath planned for me as an adjunct for this day, a way to clear myself of the challenging energies. I am so grateful. I feel quite cleansed and renewed. Ah, laughter; it is truly good for the soul. So, dear Source, what have you to say? I would commune with you this night, this now. Will you enter in, please. Source: Ah yes, child, and gladly, too. I am happy to join in your laugh party [with Wendy]; happy to be here with you, now. You are, indeed, cleansed by your good laughter, Theresa-Ann. It is a deeper healing than you yet are aware of, this laughter. And yes, you will write that book, my dear; the one on Gods sense of humor. It will be a best seller, too. Youll see. Ah, thank you, Lord. I am grateful. You know how deeply I have longed to write. But I await, even still, the impulse, the clear signal and direction to write a book. Tell me, will that be my first one? Source: You know that it will not be, dear one. You must first educate people to your way of seeing, so they can better understand what you wrote about my sense of humor. I would take them along on the journey, but it requires a foundation...which you will write. Fear not, Theresa, you are an author, even though your books are still somewhat etheric, you are an author, and many will read your books and be blessed. We will certainly see to that. We? That sounds strange, coming from Source...

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