Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Embracing the Dark Side - F (Can Dark be Beautiful?)

2010-01-27 6th TRANSCRIPT: Intro: So, embracing darkness, and seeing it is a natural part of being, an allowed aspect of life; this is a start. This is not a mental exercise, however. We begin and remain, ever in the heart. That is the glad goal, anyway, the vision that we have and retain. Besides, therein lies the magical door to the Kingdom, the door to the Magical Kingdom. Entry through this door leads both to the within, and through it, to the without, in such vast and magical ways that the dear mind will constantly be boggled on this trip, this journey into awakening, into higher consciousness, for yes, that is what it is, as well. That is, perhaps, a side effect, but it is a valid perspective on the experience, all the same. But back to embracing the darkness. Oh, had you gotten tired of this subject? Ah, but think again. Boredom can be a symptom of a subtle fear, a fear to enter in, for there is nothing at all boring in this Kingdom of Heart, I assure you. Each and every moment, here, is lit up from within, is bright and brilliant with its own tale to tell. So, let us center down and move on. Gosh, I dont feel like such a great tour guide, sometimes. Its intimidating, for I see the great light of your hearts, the vastness of their Kingdom, within, and Im impressed, even humbled before you. Each and every one of us is a teacher, you know, come to sing our perfect song, whatever that is, and what is more, each and every one of us has need of the others. We are truly one whole, and strengthened in our union. So, I pause a moment, setting back down into heart, myself, getting back into the flow of things, seeking that pure stream of the Light...and I reconnect. It is so faithful, so always there. Thats the beauty of it, the faithfulness of heart, of the kingdom within...

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