Thursday, September 24, 2009

Self as Solar System

Oh, you know so much, inside of you. Chances are, though, that one doesn’t yet have full contact with it, though we do all have access to it. It is enough to be the source for endless amazement...and that is really something. Think on those words: source for endless amazement. Yes, right within you, me, all of us...

We have three years, dear friends, to do some pretty significant awakening. It is happening to everyone, all around us, too. Truly amazing! Time is being compressed, as it were, in seemingly impossible ways, as incredible lifetimes full of growth and development occur in a year, a month, a day. The Maya were right, you know, about us approaching the no-time, and how this all plays out. [ link - is a great source for all things Mayan Calendar.]

Our ability to communicate with Spirit, with Source, develops perhaps the fastest. So many are trying our wings, being danced in the midst of this arising opening-up to communication. Perhaps one could consider me, and this blog, by way of training wheels, or even simple further confirmation for those who do just that. It seems Source may have that in mind...but who am I to say? :-) The message is unique, specific, for each one.

Now, know that I have absolutely no commercial interest in anything in this blog. Thus, when I link to something, or recommend something, it is merely to bring to you something I have found exciting, okay? Here, I would like to recommend something by Timothy Freke, a short little one-hour audio book called “Lucid Living: An Audio Book that Will Turn your World Inside Out.” The title is not an empty promise. We all serve in our own way.

Oh, and while I’m at it, Gregg Braden; practically anything by Gregg Braden is excellent, and pretty widely available on the Net. For those who like audio, he has many, many audio books, all pretty mind shattering...or at least expanding. ;-)

Okay, back to the within. That’s my favorite space. I come out into the without, i.e., physical life, only to touch down long enough to accomplish a certain inner purpose. Otherwise, you’ll find me pretty regularly within. Yes, that means you can link to me, too, should you desire to do so. Don’t forget, we’re all one. There’s practically no end of the delight one can find in that.

Okay, wait; a moment more on the without. When I say non-commercial, I mean it. I do not intend nor recommend that you buy anything from anyone. That is always fully and only your choice. What I will say, however, and this is a word to the wise: so very much is available, for the googling, on the Internet. In addition, I will mention a real favorite website for the written word, which is Be sure you spell it wrong; yep, wrong. There is endless fun to be had, here.

Okay, now back to the within, and to being a solar system. Let’s start with the earth, first, though. With quantum physics as foundation, showing us that all is but one field, with physical ‘stuff’ arising as vibration out of the Field. That’s what we are: vibration, frequency. Everything is that. All of our senses are simply various frequency detectors, frequency translators. Taste, touch, sound...all of it is simply vibration.

Okay, with that as basis, let’s also remember that we are not the body. We have a body, we wear a body, off and on, but we are not the body...unless we identify with it. Time to stop doing that, for sure. Okay, now, this body that we wear is composed of the same exact stuff as the planet; nothing more, though somewhat less, of course. Earth to earth, ashes to ashes, and all that.

So, now suitably dis-identified from the form we wear, can you see it, the body, as a cell in the body of Terra, of Gaia? Try that on for size. I am a cell in the body of Gaia. There is a whole world (ho ho) to be discovered just in this meditation or exercise. That is but the beginning of what I would share, here, though. Oh yes, we are off on a real cosmic excursion, today.

Okay, next step: you contain the world. Expand out; you contain Gaia. How do this? Well, the way I do it is to see the self as a sphere of rainbow-colored light. As a light sphere, size is easily manipulated. Perhaps this will work for you, too. Do your own thing, though; you may have or find a better one.

Yes, I know, this pretzels the mind. First I tell you to be a cell in the body of Gaia, and then to expand out and contain her. Do consider, for a moment; might that not be a very good thing, to pretzel (or twist all up) the mind? The mind will not get us where we are going, after all. Just a thought.

Okay, how are you doing? Are you a great big luminous sphere, yet, containing the planet? Once you first do this, you will find how easily done it really is.

Remember, if you’re having a hard time, it’s probably because you are still trying to use the mind. Won’t work. Try going into the heart to visualize this. There is infinite space, in there. (Hush up, mind; no contradicting. Just listen, and learn.)

Okay, now, let’s reach out and contain the sun. Don’t worry about relative sizes, or anything like that. Just envision both sun and earth within the radiant sphere of light that is you. You can do this; I promise. Just look, that brilliant, blazing, flaming ball of awesome light, right there, inside your self. Wow! Amazing. Both sun, and earth.

Yes, I hear the little minds humming away; there are more planets in that picture. What about Mercury and Venus? And the moon? Hush; be patient. Unless, of course, this has helped your visualization to contain and encompass these inner planets and moons; that would be good. See them, there, within.

From here, it is not too much of a stretch to expand out further, and consume, or subsume, all the outer planets and the asteroid belt, as well. Just reach out, and do that, now. Got ‘em all? I’ll give you a moment...

Okay, let’s just rest now, for a while, being the solar system. We contain the whole solar system, within this lovely luminous sphere of the self. We are that, for now. We contain that. That floats freely, within us. Just be there, with it.

Now, just like the earth meditation mentioned earlier, this solar system meditation is a great door into many grand adventures. Trust me on this one. It’s safe, and a great meditation. Becoming the body of the G-word, of Source. One could spend endless days, weeks, months exploring this, and really be amazed.

Of course, in addition to being a meditation, it is (or can be) also very real. You really are that. We are one, remember? That includes everything; all of it, solar system, included. So don’t be surprised to find some accurate information coming through.

Don’t get too lost in it, either, though. Watch out for ego, always. Just be aware.
Enjoy the meditation. More later. Good day (though this rather loses its meaning in today’s context, doesn’t it?)

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