Thursday, September 24, 2009

I Hear Your Protests

Completed 12:00 pm, 8/6/2009, 6 Manik/Deer (composition info, including Mayan calendar date)

While it's not meant to make anyone uncomfortable, only to be honest, I hear your protests, your disagreements, you know.  The tie we have works both ways.  Though only sometimes I answer, know that you are heard.  How could it be otherwise, when all are one?  (We all actually hear each others' thoughts; we are just not accustomed to listening.*)

This post will likely arouse a bit of discomfort with its plain talk.  There is absolutely no desire to offend or minimize anyone, here. We all have an ego, which can get pretty feisty, even when no offense is offered, so that's fair warning.**

Perhaps I just feel like being an ass, but I will also offer a little reminder: irritation, itself, is a sign of not being centered.  There, I play the ass, you get the benefit.

Some feel I take too much on the self, purporting to speak for God.  No, I do not speak for God, not at all.  God simply uses me to speak.  There is quite a difference.  Do you see it?  I don't identify with it, just feel blessed by it, just let it flow through, for I know that "None but God is good."

This is not a mental mind, an ego, coming in and saying, “Oh, I am great.  I have a message for you, and it is from God, so you’d better listen...yes, listen, if you know what’s good for you!”  Ha, what a hoot!  I am just another one who walks the path Homeward; nothing special.  Nothing any more special than you, than anyone.  (Paradoxically, each and all are uniquely special, of course :-)

This entry may well limit my audience to the mystics among us, and those of sufficient advancement on the spiritual path to have cut the tie, or dis-identified with what Eckhart calls the pain body, or the ego.  Ah well, such is life.  I love the truth; it's worth more than praise or blame.

Nor do I claim to be the source or fount for truth, lol.  Just like everyone else, I simply do the best I can.  
I will mention projection here.  Please call to mind how, when we are angered, offended, or hurt, the offense lies in us, not in anything 'out there,' for there really is nothing out there, at all... Quantum physics rules, for it shows how we create what we see.  (I also recommend Ivan Stein's YouTubed workshops entitled Positive Manifestation.)
So, just consider the possibility, when some judgment arises, that the origin is within.  Could that be you, responding to yourself?  We all have to look within for it, for no one can do our inner work for us.  To project is to risk missing the message, of course.  What we are, inside, we project on the screen of the world outside.

Thus, we hear our thoughts spoken by those around us, we see our prejudices acted out, seemingly ‘out there,’ in the world, often responding emotionally to the external situations.  That is, until we realize that there really is no ‘out there’ at all; it is all an inside job.  The ‘out there’ only appears; it has no solid reality, in spite of what appears.

I won’t do much explaining like this, for it engages the mental mind.  That is not my choice of abode, for I would far rather rest in spirit, in soul, than in mind, which cannot take us Home.  This is life from the mystic's perspective. 

So, what may have been missed is that generally, as I write I step aside, allowing the self to be danced by the great Dancer, whom many call God.  One forgets, sometimes, to listen from within, where these things are clear, where we are tutored, and where projection does not arise...

Ah, this “God” word is problematic, for many respond to it.  It has so many thoughts/feelings/attitudes quite stuck to it, that it's best to stop using it, entirely.  One only uses words to communicate, after all—that is their purpose—and if a word does not communicate what one would share, one selects a better word.

How about 'Source'?  Let’s use that one.  It's certainly shorter than the one often used by the Sirian High Council:  'All That Is, That Ever Was and That Always Will Be.'  This, while completely accurate as both name and description of God, is a bit unwieldy.  The Pleiadians use 'Prime Creator.'

They're all just words, of course.  I don't think Source is offended by our attempts to find the right word-symbol for Him/Her/It/Them.  Source, in my experience, has just as good and even better sense of humor than any of us, and can surely understand the awkward mire we often entangle ourselves in.

We forget that they're just words, and words are just complex symbols, made up of other little symbols, and have no inherent meaning of their own...well, excepting Hebrew, I guess.  Anyway, you get the point.  Let's not get so narrowly focused that we make fools of ourselves.  (Gee, with me being the only one talking, I guess I'm the only one at risk for that.  Hmmm. :-)

We all know about being danced, don’t we?  Perhaps my familiarity with it comes from my time spent with the teachings of Eckhart Tolle, and perhaps his source for this, Father Anthony de Mello (whose great work, 'Awareness' really tells it like it is.)  These wise ones both speak of the great Dancer and His dance.

Some say life is a dance, and we are the dancer, but not these two.  They speak of Source, or God, as the ultimate Dancer, dancing life into manifestation.  We, then, rather than smaller dancers, are the dance, itself, are being danced.  We are actually the dance done by Source.  It is rather beautiful.

At first, the mental mind will simply bounce off such an idea, such a picture—for how can one imagine God dancing?  If one persists, though, it comes clearer.  This is one of those areas where the mental mind is not of much use, for it brings a higher understanding, a more heart-felt, even visceral one; one experiences it...especially as one develops the listening ear, within.  This is heart understanding.

What gift can I leave with you, before I close, today?  I cannot know; only Source can know that.  All I can do is be danced, is surrender this self to the dance, and trust and know that all is well, all is truly well.  Love to you then, dear soul.  May you find your self in me, as we are danced, One.  This is my hope. 

*  Others' thoughts often come to us as hunches, impulses, ideas...  Also, since our world is based on our beliefs, if we don't know of the telepathy that comes with our oneness, then we don't allow it in—it does not exist for us.

** Here's a favorite saying of mine—don't know the source:  "It is just as harmful to take offense as it is to give offense."  Very powerful.

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