Friday, September 11, 2009

Intro - Who Am I?

8:15 pm, Wednesday, 9/9/2009, 1 Imix/Alligator, Crocodile (Composition info, including Mayan calendar day)

By way of a bit of introduction, I’m a brand new blogger who has been journaling for over 30 years, now.  The journaling has radically morphed over that time, and it now provides some pretty serious blessings.  Thus, when the idea came, recently, to begin blogging it, I was open to that.  Heck, if it helps me so much, maybe it could bless others, as well.  If nothing else, it will demonstrate some of the powerful potentials in journaling; and yes, even for men.

Along with that, you will find some fairly basic computer tech tips thrown in, here and there.  Computers make our lives both more complex and easier.  It’s fun to share tips and tricks gained over time, both as a database technical analyst (back when I worked), and also an ordinary PC user (sorry, not Macs).  So, from free programs, to short cuts, to great safe sites and such...will offer some favorite goodies along the way. (First TECH TIP in the footnote at the end...unless you count the great web address recommended before that :-)

Okay, there’s a lot of ‘stuff’ in my Profile that can really ground you in the basics of who I am.  What I’ll add, here, is something about where I’m coming from.

As a mystic, I don’t care to use “I” or “me” or those words, much.  It’s a pretty basic matter of identity.  What do you identify with?  Well, the mystic identifies with God, with Spirit, and with the Higher Self, or Presence, as Eckhart Tolle calls it.  Thus, when speaking about the body, or the mind, or the like, that is not my “I;”  Do you see?  I am not that.

Besides “I am” is also a name of God/Source/Allah/The Is-ness/Prime Creator...  “I Am That I Am” is the only such name offered in the Old Testament.  Thus, to say “I am” is to literally invoke the name of God, to invoke Source.  One could give some thought to the words that follow in the be sure one really wants to invoke God into that.  See how complicated the seemingly little, basic things can get, from the mystic perspective?

Though this sharing is not much fun, cuz I don’t like to speak so much about the self, it will to help lay some basic groundwork.  Why?  Because, being both a mystic and a bit of a nut, and very, very independent...well, it will help make sense of the journals.  Once you’ve read them for a while, you’ll get it.  Meanwhile, I hope this helps break the ice.  Yeah, ice...and where is that, in the South in September?  Oh well, figure of speech.

Oh, and this body is merely the (relatively) long-term suit I wear, while incarnate, here, on earth...or Gaia...or in 3D; you know, same thing.  And the mind...well, that is what most people identify with, but not the self-respecting mystic.  Why not?  Because it is not the pathway to Source, to Spirit; it simply will not get you there.  Not.

If you peeked at the Profile page, you will see that this mind is well exercised, well educated.  Big deal.  It took all that, I guess, to learn that was not the way to go.  Not that there’s anything wrong with education, over all.  Well, there’s plenty wrong with it, but not to get into that just now.

It’s just a matter of where you’re going.  For going out into the world to earn one’s living, education is fine.  For going Home to God - by which I mean to return to union with Source/God in consciousness, not to literally go anywhere - the mind is the wrong tool.

Okay, yes, it’s useful.  Mine is very bright.  But the mental mind just isn’t wired up right,’s a 3D thing, trying to go to a 4D, 5D, 6D (and beyond) reality.  (Higher mind is another matter.)  Wrong tool, that’s all.  Useful and necessary, here in 3D, though, just in its place.  Right tool for the right job, that’s what's needed.

Whew!  It’s the little stuff that takes the longest, sometimes. Mind... Okay, more about me.  I time travel, some.  Not physically, but in consciousness.  In learning that all time is one, is now, is simultaneous...well, it’s not too great of a leap, from there, to begin to experience something of one’s other incarnations.  Why not, if they’re all happening “now?”  Quantum physics helps a lot to make sense of this.

Okay, sometimes I tune in to beings of light - mostly St. Germain - and they speak through me.  I don’t care for the word ‘channel.’  I like to call myself a scribe.  Just a humble scribe.  Nothing fancy.  So, you’ll see that come out in the journals, sometimes.  It comes in through the keyboard, the written word.

What else?  Lord, there are probably a bazillion things, but they’re not coming to mind.  Okay, I don’t care for religion at all; none of them.  This is pretty recent, as I spent my whole life being pretty devout.  Started out Catholic, wound-up kinda New Age, but threw the whole lot of it over.  I settle for simple spirituality, now.

Religion is fine (as long as it’s not being used to drum up hatred or intolerance for others), and I champion and support everyone’s right to follow whatever path they like.  I just don’t feel the need to do that, anymore.  I’ll share more of the why behind that, as we go forward.  It is too much to get into, here...and not my favorite topic, anyway.  Spirituality, yes; that will be my theme, pretty much.

One important thing, and that’s that the mystic’s definition of God/Spirit/Source can get a little strange.  None of this old guy in the sky stuff, of course.  Not many still hang on to that.  It’s not too easy to explain, though.  That will take some time.  I hope you'll hang in there with me.

Sri Nisargadatta is a good teacher on this subject.  His book, I AM THAT,* is excellent and awesome, and mandatory reading for all budding (or otherwise) mystics.  He will really help take you there.  He will shock you, more than once, of course, by the way he looks at things, but that is what life is all about, now isn’t it?  Perspective is the main name of the game down here, it seems to me.

Okay, last point:  the top line will most always start, not just with the Gregorian version of the date this was first written, but also the Mayan one.  That’s what that is.  If you want to look it up, you can go to, a great site.  Otherwise, maybe just ignore it.  For those who follow the Mayan calendar, it becomes pretty special...and way different than any Western concept of a calendar.

Basically, the Maya followed the ray (or energy or light) that was issuing forth from the heart of creation each day.  Don’t know how they knew what it is/was, but they did.  It is SO not related to circling planets and suns, or anything 3D like that.

The purpose is to help one align oneself with the day’s energy, to tune in, thus both understanding somewhat of the ‘purpose’ or at least the ‘flavor’ of the day, and to help choose what best to do or not do, to go along with the energy. Okay, so much for Mayan calendar 101.  Ian Lungold has some great free videos on the Mayan Majix site, for those with an interest.

So, feel free to comment.  A favorite motto is “It is just as harmful to take offense as it is to give offense.”  So, unless you really make an effort to be nasty, just trust that I won’t be offended.  Of course, ‘constructive’ and ‘useful’ and ‘honest’ are nice grounds for comments.  Thanks for reading! (and I promise not to ever say that again ;-)

* Almost First TECH TIP:  There is a great site called where one can go to get the text of many books, papers, and such.  Like YouTube, only text.  You should be able to find a copy of I AM THAT, there.  Just use the search box.  Most things are also downloadable, usually as .pdf files.  Will share a great (free), slim, trim, fast-loading PDF reader, later.

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