Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Observation Equals Revelation or Sunbathing in November

11:52 am, Tuesday, 11/10/2009, 11 Akbal/Night, House (Composition info, including Mayan Calendar day)

Wow, November 10th, and just returning from sunbathing in the beauty of the lovely warmth of the (supposedly) autumn weather, here in NW Arkansas, USA.  Lovely breezes gently blowing, crisp leaves rattling and falling, fluffy white clouds gently morphing, sailing, and the wonder of beautiful birds flying and soaring in the broad expanse above.  Ahhhh...

My previous sunbathing was done sitting in a chair, bare feet on the earth.  There was such a notable difference, recently, though, when doing an earth grounding, after having actually sat down on the ground.  It felt totally different, as if I were much more attached to and one with the earth.  Neat!

So today the blanket was spread wide, and I lay down fully, to enjoy just being, being physical, while soaking up the sun’s information-giving* energies.  (Will see if there’s a difference when next grounding.)

It’s been physically challenging, lately.  Weight is down to about 120, which this body last knew as a teenager; not a healthy weight for the now.  Good recent report from Ken, the medical intuitive working with me, though.  He’s been pulling out the ‘quilted-like’ energies he sees as so common to bodies with cancers.  Thank you, and good riddance!  (Yes, that's thanks to the cancer energies** well as to Ken, of course.)

I’m just glad energy is moving.  This is a big improvement on the ‘stuck’ state that was standard for decades.  Blockages seemed insurmountable, amenable to nothing.  Now, with joint work on both body and emotions, things begin to move.  Finally, the lesson not to ‘stuff’  is learned, and so the blockages created by stuffing begin to flow.  Yes!

The desire to blog again arises.  In reading over each posting, they are great, but I noted that they were all posted in September.  October just flew by, in the midst of physical challenges, with not a peep.  November will not follow suit.  God-willing, I desire to be in that flow again, and discover the changes that have been wrought in the interim.

Drinking hot, Ester-C laced Essiac tea, looking at the no-longer-used morphine bottles—that’s a big deal— and considering the Vancouver BC trip to the Body, Soul, Spirit Expo, with its numerous healings, etc., I know there is change.  What shape it will take in the blog, though, I don’t know. 

One doesn’t know what will be written until one sees it being written...if one is ‘in flow.’  If not in flow, it is better not to write.  We desire to flow the larger gifts of Source, not the ramblings of a ‘little me,’ a little self...of a mental mind.  Everyone has one of those, and one is much like another, lol:  boring.

Okay, I note that the mental mind entered in to the above paragraph.  That is a mental knowing.  Nothing wrong with that, of course, however it is not the higher gift, the gift of the flow of Source, with Its higher blessings.  This mental mind is not quite trained to sit in abeyance, yet, holding still to merely observe Source, Spirit at work.

It is coming along, though.  Observation, self-observation is most fruitful.  Things so often vanish, simply on being seen.  Three favorite ‘masters’ teach this beautifully:  Eckhart Tolle, Sri Nisargadatta, and Anthony de Mello.  There are no better guides, imho, to simple, basic self-observation, to being ‘in the now.’  They offer the best how-to on simple (and immediate) awareness; no process, no waiting.

As things arise in awareness, if they or the issue they represent are deeper, then by watching, just observing, one often receives an initial layer of understanding, leaving further layers to arise in their own ‘time.’  Life is truly grand.  Quiet observation and silence are amazing; what arises within them is ever amazing. 

Simple, continual coming back to just being...and watching that.

Interestingly, one of the things that has emerged from observing is the witnessing of a fear to be in silence.  Thus, ever sleeping to the continuous play of Eckhart lectures, Marciniak audio books, or whatever...notably, never just music.  The fear is underlying, of course.  It has not quite revealed itself.  One just intuits that it exists, on observing the unwillingness to be alone (and even sleep) in silence.

This issue may be fairly deep–or not.  One does not know, often, but rather learns in the out-playing, over time.  Yes, time, that interesting non-entity.  Well, it is a non-barrier, a non-limiter, anyway, yet a certain relative existence it obviously does have.  Still, I affirm the (higher) reality of simultaneous time, of all as happening in the now.

Not to get off into that, though, for it is quite a subject on its own, and my meditations feel much more anchored, more solid, somehow, in this now.  Hmmm.  Another effect of the physical grounding of laying on the earth?  Could be.  Feels good, anyway, and that’s ever a good sign. 

So, living alone, and on disability (thus not having to be out and about, working), and residing in the lovely country, in these dear meadows and woods, there is much of silence.  I live in the midst of it, after all, and I have a happy contentment with that.  There is no yearning for company, nor to be out and about, doing things.  This beautiful space is precious; I revere it, realizing how very blessed I am to be here, to have all of this.

So, being alone is not what is feared, clearly.  What is?  Ah, I see the mental mind in action, here.  It wants to be fed: new information, new learning, new anything, it appears.  That is certainly a big part of what is acting (in this apparent fear of silence).  Okay...nothing else comes.  It is enough to see this, for now. 

Awareness is the biggest blessing I can bring to it, and I can trust awareness to ‘do its thing,’ knowing I need have no thought about it, no need of any looking to a future, or being at all concerned.  It is what it is, it will be what it will be, and I am content in the midst of all simply let life be. 

It would be more accurate to say that the body knows this than that the mental mind does, for the mental mind plays no part in it. This is that more precious kind of knowing, this deep, inner knowing that all is well.  It is the deeper fruit of simple observation: of merely being aware of being aware.  I hope you feel the treasure, the deep peace in this.

*  Light = information, literally

**  In reality, everything is equally wonderful, or can be seen this way.  One abandons judging things as desirable or not desirable.

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